About Us

Overview of School Our School Community

CHS is part of the Newfoundland and Labrador English School district, and is home to approximately 300 students, 23 teachers, 2 student assistants, and 4 support staff from 14 different communities from Port Blandford to Goobies, and north to Burgoyne’s Cove. We also host the Vista region school board office team within our school.

The culture of CHS is characterized by excellent behaviour and cooperation, high expectations, productivity, healthy communication, and consistent support for students. Our goal at CHS is to ensure our students develop to their full potential both as individuals and as members of society; and to promote within them a sense of responsibility towards and interdependence with their peers, community, and world.

CHS currently offers a Grade 10 to Grade 12 program serving a wide variety of student interests and needs. In addition to staff based at the school, CHS students have access to District office staff as needed in our building including: a vision itinerant, educational psychologists and speech language pathologists.