Picnic with a Friend
"Good Friends, Good Food, Good Times". Grab a blanket, a lunch and a friend and head outside for a picnic! This could even be completed at lunch or recess time. Grab your recess, head outside and enjoy time with a friend or classmate. Make it a picnic!
How To:
Invite a friend to a picnic.
Choose a location. Maybe you'll head to a park or beach or you could even stay in your own backyard.
Pack a picnic bag or basket. You may choose to pack a blanket if you are going to picnic on the ground, or maybe your location will have picnic tables. You'll also need to pack some snacks- choose some of your favorite foods! Try to choose healthly opions (and maybe include a treat or two).
Head out and enjoy your time in nature with a friend.
Post a photo of your picnic in your journal.